Psychic Reading & Spiritual Counseling
with leading Wiccan teacher and founder of Wicca Spirituality: erin Dragonsong
Is life presenting you with challenges like...
- Confusing situations that leave you stumped?
- A need to heal negativity and boost your positive energy?
- Unlocking your hidden strengths and talents?
- Conquering blocks and limitations?
- Realizing your full potential in every aspect of life?
- Enhancing health, wealth, love, and other joyous outcomes that seem out of reach?
Unlock the door to a transformed life with a personal psychic soul reading
and energy clearing session led by erin Dragonsong.
Now you can have
a personal psychic reading
& Energy clearing
with the founder of Wicca Spirituality
A Spiritual Counseling consultation offers you more than guidance and insight into your Life Mission and Purpose...
speaking with your Guides and
using specialised tools for your unique situation,
erin Dragonsong helps you break free of repetitive patterns and destructive situations.
"Erin is a great reader, she is really able to cut through to the heart of things, removes her own ego from the question (which is almost IMPOSSIBLE to do for yourself) and really channels the Goddess wisdom you need to hear.
A bargain at twice the price!"
~ Vanessa LeBourdais,
Port Moody, BC
Erin Dragonsong will do a psychic soul reading
to reveal the greater purpose behind any situation and empower you to...
discover your unique strengths and power,
wisely choose your next steps,
overcome obstacles and blocks,
- and make the most of life.
And of course there is a complete guarantee, to eliminate any risk if you don't believe I've read your situation accurately.
Consultation Options
I use a combination of tools for your spiritual counseling -- tarot reading, palm reading, dream work, astrology, your Animal Spirit Guides, and intuitive spiritual channeling -- to access psychic guidance for you.
This is not telling your future. My approach is much more powerful and empowering.
It's tapping into
what your soul wants you to know. And that knowledge gives you power -- power to see new options, and power to follow better choices.
And now, we take that empowerment one step further...
Utilising special techniques I've learned and developed over decades of healing work and magick, I can initiate the changes you want to make in yourself, and thus in your life. Even better, I teach you how you can sustain and expand on the healing work we do together.
Here are your options for a reading...
Clearing Session
Psychic Soul-Reading
Psychic Reading
90 - 120 minutes
(includes Soul Reading)
90 minutes
(In-Depth Insights)
60 minutes
(1-2 Questions)
Transformation Package
If you are serious about making changes in your life, overcoming blocks, and reaching your potential in spiritual or even material ways, this is for you!
In 9 Clearing Sessions of 90 minutes each, we can
root out underlying causes and patterns that are holding you back, and clear their energy out of your life... freeing you to live the life that's calling to your soul.
With the purchase of a Transformation Package, you get the 9th session completely free!
Choose Your Service
Your Pre-Payment Is Double-Safe
Payment is through Paypal, the secure online transaction company.
Rest assured that if you are not satisfied with your consultation, you will be given a full or partial refund, as you choose. You have my personal promise and professional guarantee.
And your purchase is double-protected -- it's also covered by Paypal's guarantee. If needed, you could make a claim with them to get a refund.
It won't be necessary, though, because my integrity is worth more to me than money.

It's more important to me to be honest and offer excellent value for your money.
I do require 48 hours notice for a cancellation or rescheduling, however — "no-shows" are charged the full amount.
Please respect the 48 hour cancellation policy.
Step 1: Apply for Your Consultation
Prepayment is required to hold your space.
This is to ensure that only those who are truly committed to taking advantage of this service will schedule time... (someone who really needs it shouldn't lose the opportunity to someone who won't bother to use their time).
Step 2: Fill Out this Contact Form
Once you have made your payment, return here to take the next step: booking a time for your session.
Use the form below to choose a time and day that work for you.
What to Expect Next
Once your payment is made
and this form submitted, I'll contact you to set up a convenient time for us to do your psychic soul reading.
A day or so before our appointment, I'll email you with information on how you can prepare yourself for the session, in order to get the best results possible.
After that, we get to do the best thing in the world -- listening to what your soul needs you to know, and freeing you from whatever gets in the way of you following that!
I look forward to being able to serve you and the Divine within you!
With Bright Blessings,

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