Wicca School Testimonials
Do you want to know...
- What to expect in Wicca and your life through doing this Wicca homestudy course?
- How this Wicca course differs from other ways you could learn Wicca?
- If a Year & A Day: 53 Weeks to Becoming a Wiccan is really worth the money?
- Whether you can trust Erin to be your teacher?
- What tips previous students have to offer you?
Here's what others have to say about erin Dragonsong's teachings on Wicca and spirituality…

"It Gives You the Tools
to Connect with the Divine"
"Erin Dragonsong's Beginner Wicca course has been
such a blessing to my practice!
With each new week my trust and respect for Erin grew, as she was able to help me navigate experiences I had never had before, in a positive and helpful light!
I am new to Wicca and felt very overwhelmed by all of the available books and different practices out there. I was definitely torn between the idea of a "traditional" learning method, through a coven, or this online Wicca course... and due to time constraints eventually chose the online course.
Let's be honest, everyone is overburdened nowadays, and though practice and spiritual journey are important Goddess does not want us to overburden ourselves in Her name.
A Year & A Day: 53 Weeks to Becoming a Wiccan was perfect for my life as it let me focus on the spiritual when I could find a moment each week, which really took the burden out of it and allowed me to really enjoy the process."
"Easy To Understand and FUN!"
"Aside from being highly practical for my lifestyle the information has been easy to understand and FUN!
Each week I feel my eyes are opened to new aspects of the mysteries that I hadn't encountered before.
At the end of each lesson you are proffered spiritual work, what Erin affectionately calls Wiccan Adventures of the Week, where you are putting these new ideas into practice... she is right, they are adventures! They are so much fun.
This has really helped me to grow in my craft!
The lessons have increased my knowledge and level of comfort with Wicca and — best of all — I find that this knowledge has become a part of my everyday life. It has gone so far beyond simply practicing ritual concepts and creating answers to lessons, and has become part of my life.
That is really what we are searching for in the end, something to help us integrate our spiritual side better into our everyday life, and through ease of use and exciting lessons I feel this course has done that for me!
This course is perfect for Solitary Wiccans who usually do not have anyone to help them discover what it is like to visualize, cast a circle, draw down the moon, etc."
"To Feel This Is Incredible!"
"Erin lays these things out in a straightforward manner so that
you get to truly experience things for yourself.
To be able to feel this now is incredible!
It's really really been transformative for me. My practice is becoming ingrained into who I am, what I'm doing daily, and that's never happened before.
I've always been pretty spiritual but I never before found something that actually made me feel closer to God. I've always felt pretty emotional about my connection to the Source or God or whatever; there were always things that would call up that feeling for me. But there weren't a lot of them.
Now I feel that kind of connection with the deities and my spiritual practice constantly, in a way I never have before.
I'm surprised by my depth of emotion that's becoming connected to my Wicca practice, and that's something new. The other day, taking a walk, I called up the power of the Earth and that was very transformative.
It's becoming a part of my life, I'm no longer just waiting for the lessons and thinking about it all the time it's becoming integrated into who I am.
And I just feel blessed, for lack of a better word, really centered, like HOME... it's really just been so good, and I'm just so grateful that I've been given the opportunity to do this and discover how my relationship with the divine can be taken deeper.
Because it's hard to find that kind of thing in society, and to find something that helps bridge that gap is fantastic."
Has It Changed You?
"In the beginning I was afraid of coming across as weird, but now I can tell people that it's something I use for prayer. I'm starting to feel so secure that this is so right for me, I think I'd be ok with that now, with telling people about it. Because it feels right and normal.
It's made a change in my life.
I've always been searching, and I've found that Wicca Spirituality has really clicked, like this is so right for me.
A Year & A Day: 53 Weeks to Becoming a Wiccan give us tools to walk through the door and deepen our relationship with the Divine, if we're ready for it and want it enough to step through. It gives you the tools to connect with the divine."
Tips for Other Students
"I'd say don't be in a hurry to inhale all the information: really connect with each piece, and take time to ingest it. It's SO interesting, and I'm super excited, and so glad it's a year and a day.
It's definitely working for me.
I used to just do things because you were supposed to but it didn't feel like anything, really.
But now it feels like a transformative thing that brings me close to God.
Maybe people leave Wicca for a while and come back, and maybe the course leads them to other things that Erin talks about, because people will get different things from it, but it will help them with their spiritual practice whichever way it goes.
I've never felt before like my spiritual practice is taking over and I just do it naturally. I want to do these things now. It's amazing. I feel a transformation in me when I draw a Pentacle now, and I really
feel it, not like when I used to cross myself.
I'm really enjoying this whole course; it's been fantastic."
Kaeleigh McDonald, Teacher

"Fun, Exciting, Engaging,
Well-Structured and Very Thorough"
"This Wicca course is different from other ways I've tried to learn Wicca, because
it's so well-structured and doesn't miss anything: it's very thorough. There's been many things in the course that I've looked up in other books and can't even find them anywhere else.
Until I started I didn't realise there was so much to learn. So it's really good to follow and have these lessons at your finger tips.
I very much like the fact that we can learn so much, and in such a structured way for our first year. I had a book I was starting to learn from, but I didn't find it that interesting. The author was very opinionated about how things must be and not engaging.
Whereas Erin Dragonsong offers: it's gotta be what
I feel is right.
Taking a course like this in Wicca is easier than trying to put it all together, make sense of it myself, reading stuff from all kinds of places. I read one book and it was very different from what another book was saying.
So much easier having someone else put it all together for me and having it all right there.
And what this course says feels right to me."
"This Course Feels Right To Me"
"Erin continually says, your mileage may vary, and if something's not comfortable to you don't do it.
That's important to me because structure is good for learning, but not always good. Like church religion is structured, but it's really boring and uncomfortable, unless you like being brainwashed. But no one should make you do something you're not comfortable with. Getting away from that made me feel so free.
I actually became more interested in Wicca from this course. Because it's really interesting, it's good stuff. I was curious about Wicca, but it wasn't my interest at first.
I remember saying more than once, I don't want to go to Wicca why would I want to go from one God I'd read about to a bunch of Gods I don't know about.
But I can take things how I want to take them in Wicca Spirituality, I can make them what I want it to be. And Erin says instead of a threatening God, there's an embracing Goddess, that we're not going to be in trouble for not obeying."
"I Really Felt Something"
"The best I liked is Erin Dragonsong's passion for Wicca: her personality that came through in the course made it fun and interesting, really thorough and exciting they're engaging. The lessons get and keep my interest.
And the Wiccan adventures I loved those. They gave me a chance to plan something my own way, with enough information on how to do it. It put things in my control, and I could do things... and I really FELT something when I did. When I did my dedication, I felt overwhelmed with emotion
I felt peaceful and like I wasn't alone.
I held some hematite stones in my hand, and I've done that lots of times but this time it started vibrating in my hands!
And that's never happened before. So something obviously changed that day!
It's made me want to be more positive toward other people and try to see things differently, instead of getting frustrated with life. Definitely it helps me to appreciate nature more. During the beginning of the course, I discovered I'd been pagan all my life, and I didn't know it, I just called myself a nature lover but it was more, definitely.
It's kinda making other pagans look at me differently too they light up, oh cool you're one of us! I like that."
Tips for Other Students
I think people who are curious and don't know much about Wicca and want to explore it would love this Wicca course. In my case, a friend told me I could learn how to heal myself. And that's what got me interested in Witchcraft, and then it snowballed from there.
I bet there are people who are experienced in Wicca too, who still have a lot to learn from this. It's a lot of learning!
If you're just learning on your own or from your friends, there's a lot you could miss.
Erin Dragonsong is offering a good and valuable product! She has certainly put a lot of her heart and soul into this, as well as her time and knowledge.
Be prepared to put some time into it and actually go out and practice things. Every lesson I'm reading and learning something, so I feel less lost because there's a lot in Wicca. But now I've got a bit more direction.”
What I tell people is: If you want to get immersed in Wicca and learn at a good steady pace and learn about things you might otherwise miss out on,
do this course!"
Morel Carr, Sales Associate

"So Much More Comprehensive than Any Book on Wicca I've Ever Seen"
"This course is so much more comprehensive than any book on Wicca I've ever seen.
The thing that really makes this Wicca course more do-able and desirable is that
it fits in with my life. It's not extra work or completely separate from everything else. It helps me better my life and work through things that are happening, like with the lesson about the West: releasing and balance and returning to harmony.
Doing these lessons increases my quality of life.
These Wicca lessons emphasize things I already should be doing, and increase my understanding and awareness of things (e.g. the moon, channelling energy) that I'm already trying to work with."
"Amazing Joyous Radiant Feeling"
"It always sounds hokey when someone says it (I feel like I sound like an infomercial on late-night TV), but this course really has changed my life. My intuition is more developed; I'm better able to channel energy. I feel more in tune with the energies of the planet, as well as more aware of the environment around me. It's really really cool.
And the amazing joyous radiant feeling I get after doing ritual can't be beat!" :-)
This course is really worth the price: it's like a vacation. You get such confidence and abilities, like a spiritual awakening. It's one of those experiences that changes your life, and how do you put a price on that?
And it's not just one experience, it's multiple experiences that keep getting better and better, week after week!
THIS is Wicca for the 21st century.”
Tips for Other Students
"It's an interactive way of doing Wicca. I’ve found that
a lot of resources on Wicca are passive you read stuff online or in a book, and then you have to have to take the initiative to try a spell or apply what you’ve read.
A Year & A Day: 53 Weeks to Becoming a Wiccan, though, kept prompting me to get ’er done.
Every week there’s a new lesson, a sort of “hey, remember this Wicca stuff you’re learning?” reminder, and a new weekly 'adventure' task to play with (because, really, practicing Wicca isn’t homework!).
The interactiveness of this course and the weekly 'bite-size chunks' system of teaching Wicca is what convinced me that this course would be the best way to finally learn Wicca after years of having been interested.
And it really was!"
Zhyfhs Millicent, writer, editor, website creator

"The Contents Ooze Openness, Authenticity, and Natural Wisdom"
"Erin Dragonsong ranks among the biggest names in the Pagan world. She writes with an amazing power: academic, exciting, and passionate.
I am a UK-based author who is both a liberal Christian priest and a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. During my research for a new book (which uncovers a Pagan perspective on the person of Jesus) I came across Erin's beautiful site 'wicca-spirituality.com'.
I was hooked.
It is one of the most enticing spirituality websites I've ever seen.
The style is elegant, artistic and gentle, and the contents ooze openness, authenticity, and natural wisdom.
I am not at all surprised by how popular Erin and her site have become, and can only imagine how many hundreds of thousands of souls have benefitted from paying a visit. It's brilliant, so much excellent information.
The work she's done is incredible. Thank you, Erin. You've given us a real gift!"
Mark Townsend, priest, author,
editor: Jesus Through Pagan Eyes.

"All You’ll Ever Need to Build Your Own Wiccan Practice.
Just do it! You won’t be sorry. "
“Just do it! You won’t be sorry. Erin’s lessons are amazingly well thought out and written. She doesn’t miss a thing!
The course is jam-packed with wonderful info. The lessons are life enriching and enhancing. It is evident that a lot of effort, knowledge, and love has been put into every lesson. I cannot imagine the hours spent to make each lesson such a tremendous success.
This course has been a great blessing to me!
It is important to understand that you can make your spiritual practice whatever you need it to be; however, it is just as important to do what the lessons say to do for that year-and-a-day in order to have a well-rounded education in Wicca Spirituality.
It gives you all that you will ever need or want in order to build your own Wicca practice.”
Jordis Kessler

"All the Books I’ve Purchased
Don’t Hold a Candle to it"
"Each Day I Learn Something New
and Grow"
"I love this class, and appreciate the opportunity to learn at this pace.
Things I never thought about, now mean something to me, and I have a much better understand of Sabbats,
and this is only into the second lesson.
I felt alone, until I tripped upon Erin and Wicca Spirituality. She has guided me from the very beginning. There are times I wish I had someone close by to sit and chat with, but then I realize I have Erin right here.
While I knew enough that I was going to be a Solitary Wiccan, I didn't feel alone, finally.
(The following sections came at different times during the course.)
“You Can’t Compare A Year & A Day with Others — This is the Best”
Erin lays things out in a way that it is very easy to follow, in plain English, with explanations beside areas where there may be some confusion.
I think that you can’t compare A Year & A Day with other ways of learning Wicca -- this is the best, the easiest to follow, with support all around.
The classes are easy to read, easy to understand and I've learned oh so much even in just six lessons!
She never speaks down to us, she is always uplifting with so much encouragement and sometimes a bit of humor thrown in which always gets me giggling. There is no sugar coating, just straight knowledge. It is obvious Erin wants you to feel good in your calling and give us as much information as she can to allow us to grow.
I understand the underlying factors/issues/rituals/magick so much more. I look at things a bit differently. I understand the inner spirit feelings more now than before.
“I Come Away from Each Lesson with Spirit All Around Me”
I come away from each lesson with Spirit all around me. My heart is lighter and fuller all at the same time.
This has been a wonderful experience for me, and I feel so grateful to her for all that has been done for me/us throughout this course.
I don’t doubt myself when it comes to Spirit visiting me. I am a more relaxed person, more satisfied with where I am in life and much more comfortable in expressing my ‘Wiccan’ support to others and myself. I have started to open up more to Spirit, which is exciting for me, it makes me smile a lot, inside and out.
It has changed me -- my soul and my spirit smile greatly when I think of things I've learned. When I ground myself I feel so light, and I'll admit a bit giddy sometimes when done. I have become more confident and more comfortable with myself since starting this class, and I smile a lot more.
You've allowed me to feel comfortable with who I truly am.
I now know my gifts are just that -- precious gifts that I'm now learning to use correctly and that being me is just fine.
“All the Books Don’t Hold a Candle to This”
Erin has helped me better understand and accept my calling. No hidden agenda, straight from her heart, in plain English. Each day I learn something new and grow, and I love the words of wisdom.
I have read it once, will read it several times. Easy to read, and to follow.
Makes me smile and feel happy and positive and excited inside. I feel awesome.
My inner self has finally found peace with some of my long time turmoil since starting her class. I look at things differently and worry a little less. I will never be able to thank her enough. I thank the Goddess and Divine every night for her."
All the books I've purchased and read do not hold a candle to what I've learned thus far. Wicca spirituality is the best."
Margo Rathbun, Property Manager

"Way Ahead Of Anything Else"
I want to express my gratitude because this is really an amazing course. So well structured, so well written, so full of very practical information.
This course is just WOW.
I have seen other home study courses about Wicca, but
yours is really outstanding and I dare to say far better than the others. This course is way ahead of anything else offered online.
"Outstanding … Far Better than Others"
I will certainly recommend the course to people who are interested in the subject. Thank you for making this available for us :-)
In lesson 3 there is also a link to buy Natural Connection - Totem Animals ebooks. Of course I purchased it and this is extremely valuable information for a really low price tag. Wonderful information on how to get in touch with your animal spirit guides. I love it :-) These books are great for Wiccan, Shaman and Lightworkers and I will certainly recommend them.
Thank you for making this available :-)
Please feel free to use my comments as testimonial, it is my sincere wish many people will decide to take your course and ebooks :-)
Charles V.

"Your Teachings Have Changed my Life."
Completed my Dedication yesterday! It was the most beautiful, gloriously awesome experience!
Thank you so, so very much for giving me this opportunity! I have been trying for years to connect with the Goddess, with limited success. I have known for a long time my path is with Her. I have also fought it for a long time.
“I Feel You As Though You Are Speaking Directly To Me"
Last spring I accepted fully my path with the Goddess, but did not know how to proceed. I have been following your e-zine for a couple of years.
I can't tell you how excited I was when you revealed your school! I knew this was for me. Exactly what I needed to show me the way.
You and your school have been a true Goddess send to me! :) Yesterday was a profound experience! Without you, I would not have achieved this. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I just wanted to share with you, and let it out because I am ready to bust! I can not wait for the next lesson! You rock!
This course is perfect for me. I feel as though you are speaking directly to me. Everything is explained very well. Any questions I have had are answered as I go along.
It is exciting and fun! I look forward to every lesson. Can't wait for the next one. Hope its coming soon!
"One of the Most Important Days in my Life!”
Have I mentioned lately how much I Love, Love, Love this course?! Well I do! It is perfect! It is changing my life!
It is exactly what I was looking for, and what I needed.
I look forward to each new lesson with excitement I haven't felt in years!
I find it exceptionally validating, and amusing, when I discover that I have been doing a few things you are teaching, already on my own. Not with the polish I am learning, but still the seed was planted and is now growing.
Your teachings have changed my life. Along with giving birth to my son, and getting married, this has been one of the most important days in my life! Certainly THE most important in my spiritual life!
I can not thank you enough for this gift you have given me.
I would also like to add that I spent several years searching and reading many, many books. I have a vast “how to” Wiccan library. What I got was a lot of information I didn’t know what to do with, or how to use.
I became extremely overwhelmed, and very intimidated. This was just waaayyy too much work, and took way too much time. Made my head spin.
So... I continued to be a “pretend Wiccan”. Which means not practicing Wicca, just using a few things that I did understand, and ignoring the rest. Never feeling complete. Always wanting more.
That has all changed, thanks to you, Erin. Incorporating your teachings into my spiritual practice has been easy and joyful! I am not intimidated. I am excited for the next lesson every week!
Your teachings resonate with me like none other have!
I read what you say, and I’m like, “yeah I can do this!”
Wicca Spirituality is truly changing my life!
I’m sorry, I can get pretty wordy. I really can’t help it. I haven’t been this excited about anything, in a lot of years! This is not work. I am happy to devote my time to this awesome learning experience!
Lisa Kershner

"The BEST Course I Have Ever Taken"
“I just wanted to write an tell you I have finished your first course. I loved it!
I have been in the Craft since I was 16 I am now 62 -- 46 years in Wicca and I have never seen it laid out so plainly. I am loving relearning some things, finding out new reasons for doing things, and learning brand new things. Thank you for that.
“Learned So Much More in This Course than in Any Other"
I must tell you this is the BEST course I have ever taken... and I have taken a few. I have learned a lot of things even about things I thought I knew very well.
Your course is clearly written. It leaves no questions, because you have places to go that explain it further if need be.
Mostly I love your course because you make it fun to learn. It is not cut and dry. You inject humor, which has value when you are learning.
I am so glad I found you and your course.
It is worth every penny I am paying.”
“I learned so much more in this course than in any other I have ever taken. I was trained in the Corrillan Tradition first...
Learning from you seemed not only easier, but you explained things very completely so it could be understood and remembered.
I just want to say Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! I look forward to the next course.”
Linda C.

"Recognized Expert Internationally"
“Erin Dragonsong is one of the people
on the forefront of helping that [Transformation of the Earth] happen.
[She is] a woman that is a recognized expert internationally for offering insights and spiritual perspectives on Earth-based religion, and we're talking about a website that has over 3/4 of a million visitors per year from 159 countries around the globe.
"This Is A Lady That Lives And Breathes To Help You”
This is a lady that knows what she's talking about; you've heard her heart, she's not someone that's all head and no heart: this is a lady that lives and breathes to help you.
In looking for knowledge about Wicca, you really can't do any better than Erin.”
Jeff Daugherty, NCKaballah Radio

"Such a Comprehensive Class on Wiccan Studies"
“I love this course! Everything has been
presented clearly and flows very well!
Though I have been a solitary practitioner for the past sixteen years, there is so much that I have been unable to find information on... or have read contradicting info with no basis for my own interpretation.
"This Is Such a Life saver!
A Great Investment"
Finding such
a comprehensive class on Wiccan studies is more difficult than I had expected. This is such a life saver!
I like how this course is structured. It covers a lot of topics and gives me a point of reference for additional subjects that I still need to do a good deal more research on! And this is only the beginning!
I will certainly recommend this course to any of my friends who are looking to further their studies. It is well worth the low cost and I consider this to be a great investment. I am glad I could budget this!
Thank you so much for your time and all of the effort you have put into making this course possible!
Blessed Be!”
Elizabeth S.

"My Manifestation Abilities Are Growing"
“I feel it's important to take the time to say a huge thank you to Erin Dragonsong.
Each week I get the lessons and
I am amazed at the extent of the content, side references and thorough nature dealing with the topic.
I initially had a curiosity but
she has ignited my passion. To understand the history along with current practical application is much more than I hoped for with this course.
"So Deep and Rich with History and Humor that It's a Joy to Study"
“I'm loving every part of this course.
My manifestation abilities are growing and my connection to the Goddess is a real thing now. I wasn't sure when that would happen.
I've had a couple of "internet glitches" on my side and needed personal assistance. Her response has been prompt, polite, and wonderful.
I must admit I can't always keep up as life gets in the way, but she makes it so easy to go back and pick up lessons I missed.
This course is exactly the way I wanted to understand and appreciate Wicca.
The content is so deep and rich with history and humor that it's a joy to study. Erin took a complex subject and broke it into bite size pieces. Well done.
My Connection to the Goddess Is a Real Thing Now
I can see that Erin put her heart and soul into this program. I am grateful that I found her and am learning the Craft from her personally.
I truly appreciate all she is doing and am happy to continue on with whatever she is teaching. She has a wonderful business and I'm very pleased.
Blessings to you, Erin!”
Kim D.

"My Life Is Brighter
Because I Met Erin"
“I have been blessed to have Erin Dragonsong as a teacher, guide, and mentor.
I stumbled across Erin's site when I was looking for information on Wicca for Solitary Witches. It was after I was told there was no such thing as a Solitary Wicca, that initiation by a coven was the only way in.
I stumbled over Wicca-Spirituality and I knew I had hit the information jackpot.
"Makes Spirituality Understandable; Even for Beginners"
Finally, someone who is down to earth, reachable, and makes spirituality understandable, even for beginners, you could understand the information she shared.
With so many sites, you get a lot of opinions. When I was researching, I ran into more sites that turned my stomach because the information just didn't seem like it was down to earth or believable. It was too out there for me.”
Erin's didn't make me feel like I had to follow any one belief, but that I could be myself and follow what was true to me.
She seems to speak to the individual while still taking care of the "whole".
Then I got the chance to speak with Erin, and I found that she was as down to earth as her site. I'm not sure what I expected, but I was pleasantly surprised with who I met.
Tips for Other Students
She became an amazing teacher, always taking the time to answer questions, lend an ear, or share a suggestion. My life is brighter because I met Erin and have her as a teacher, mentor, and guide.
Now people who come to me about Wicca are always directed to her site.
It's perfect for people who may be wondering "what is Wicca," who have no prior experience.
Erin is the teacher of all levels.
It doesn't matter where we are in our path, whether a beginner, or we've been on this path all our life. There is always something new to learn.”
Jenna Higgins, HHP, Spiritual Minister, Intuitive Consultant.