My favorite Goddess is Hathor

by Jackie

Egyptian Goddess of love, beauty, happiness, music, fertility, child birth, motherhood, and protector of women. She was known as the "Mistress of the West". She would help people into the next life. She is associated with turquoise, gold, and roses. She has been called the Goddess of the Milky Way. Some associate snakes with Hathor.

I have felt an affinity for Hathor for some years. Although she killed many men for Ra, she has a greater capacity for love and happiness. I once asked a friend what Goddess she thought I was most like. I never told her about my fondness for Hathor. She told me that she thought I was most like Hathor.

I feel a connection with Hathor, that I have never felt for any other God or Goddess. Just like my connection with the moon has been with me all my life, I feel that same type of connection with Hathor.

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Mar 06, 2018

by: erin

Thanks for sharing this, Jackie! I don't know much about Egyptian Goddesses yet (looking forward to the research for a future Goddess Awareness Week). :D

From what I've seen of Hathor, though, I like Her too. She's got gumption!

It's so wonderful to connect with a Goddess (or a God, for that matter) that resonates strongly with us. Say hello to Hathor for me, next time you see Her.

Bright Blessings,


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