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Wicca Spirituality Table of Contents
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With Brightest Blessings,

erin Dragonsong

Witch Love Smilie  ©  Wicca Spirituality

Surviving the Planetary Transition That Began in 2012

Surviving the 2012 Transition involves dealing with loads of uncertainty and requires continuous adaptation. And we have to change the way we live, to live with the change.

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Co-Creator of Reality

What does it mean to be a co-creator of reality? And what's that got to do with the Planetary Transition? The fact of the matter is, we are already co-creating reality...

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Self-Care During the Planetary Transition

Good self-care is vital to surviving the 2012 Transition. At this late stage of the Transition, your mind, your body, even your energy field are being upgraded very rapidly... and repeatedly! What's going on is like the Kundalini Rising for the whole planet. And Kundalini Rising is extremely hard on those who are unprepared.

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Energy Protection for Highly Sensitive People

Highly sensitive people and energy healers are particularly susceptible to illness of body, mind, and emotions. So you must take action to protect yourself! This article will show you how...

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