5 Powers of the Witch:

Discover the Witches Pyramid
In the Magick & Mystery Wicca School

The 5 Powers of the Witch are the keys to magick, spiritual growth, and personal empowerment.

They are considered by advanced Wiccans to be the true Wiccan ritual tools, much more important and potent than the Athame, Wand, Pentacle, Cauldron, etc.!

It's surprising how little information exists on these 5 Powers. (And many resources only consider 4 Powers of a Witch!)

And there's even less on how to develop and strengthen these Powers within yourself.

That's why this course was created... to walk you through everything you could need to know about the 5 Powers of the Witch, and help you increase these Powers in yourself.

. . . . . . . .

   © Wicca-Spirituality.com
Oops! I'm sorry! You're faster than I'd expected!

The new Wicca School online course on the 5 Powers of the Witch (the Witches' Pyramid) isn't quite ready for launch... It should be ready by mid-2016.

Please check back later, or subscribe to the Silver Chalice Wiccan 'Zine to be notified when it's online and available for you.

My deepest apologies for the inconvenience!

With Bright Blessings,

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© Wicca Spirituality - Witch Love Smilie







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