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TITLE * SilverChalice Wiccan 'Zine #61 May 01, 2018 |
Silver Chalice Wiccan 'Zine Paradigm Shift Goes Global
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This Spring has been a true rebirth for me. This year I really got to experience the rebirth and regeneration energy of Spring in a very personal and visceral and profound way, much more than I ever had before.
I've come from the womb, or the chrysalis more specifically, where all the old "me" was pared away — physically in terms of weight and muscle as well as old knots and traumas that were held in the body, and mentally and emotionally in terms of a lot of psychological trauma that I've cleared in a very deep way. Maybe it also pared me down spiritually; not sure of that yet. I've spent several years breaking down and transforming myself from the inside out — like the imaginal cells of the caterpillar within the chrysalis, that turn into a formless paste into which new information is given, imprinted, intentioned… which then creates the new creature, a butterfly, from scratch. So being reborn, I am literally, blissfully re-creating myself from the ground up, choosing new ideas and beliefs, new ways of thinking about life, choosing happiness and well-being… and essentially aligning myself much more with the Life Force than ever. I've learned so much about the process of good health! — about gut dysbiosis, its epidemic status and its foundation in illness — for virtually every disease we encounter can trace its root origins to the health of the gut — that I could write several books on the subject (and I'm hoping to do online Masterclass webinars to help others heal). Mostly what I learned was how to programme my body and mind for health, because it was the programming that caused the illness in the first place — as it does every illness. This has honed my magickal ability to a new level, which I also hope to share through a Masterclass — particularly discovering what the genuine POWER of intention can make possible. And it's another example of how the worst possible thing that could happen to us can be a gateway into a life greater than we would have dared to imagine.
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Events & Announcements | Wiccan Masterclasses |
Wicca Students Speak Out | Compared to Bible College |
What's New on the Site | Goddess Awareness Week 2018 |
Website Highlights | Enlightenment, Endarkenment |
New Memes, Tips, & Inspirations | Feeling the Energy, Honouring the Goddess Within, Magickal Seals, etc. |
Ask The Priestess | People Tell Me I'm Too Sensitive... |
Fave Quotes |
The Miracle of a Single Flower |
Energy Field Barometer | Paradigm Shift Goes Global |
Silver Chalice Details |
Advanced Wiccan, spiritual, and magickal training from world-renowned teacher erin Dragonsong! (That's me. )
This makes it easy to specialize in those skills that appeal to you with shorter time commitments.
If you'd like to take your Wiccan training to the next level, completing higher degrees, you can take them all: completing all the Masterclasses will allow you to achieve higher certificates. So if you're committed to your progress as a Wiccan or to your well-being and satisfaction with life, these masterclasses are being designed with you in mind... and there's still time to help me craft the classes to suit your needs. Let me know what you'd like to see in these special masterclasses. By filling in this form, you'll receive a very special discount when the courses become available!
(Note: doesn't matter which courses you mark now, you'll get the discount on any of them, so please let me know which you're most committed to learning... those will be the ones I focus on first.)
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A Year And A Day:
53 Weeks to Becoming a Wiccan?
"I keep thinking the next lesson can’t possibly be better than the last— but I have been wrong so far!"
~ Pat H., USA
"This course is at a college level"
~ Mary S., USA
"I want
to say how impressed I am with the quality of this course, it's exceeded my expectations and that was before the supplemental material!"
~ Clinton D., USA
"I went to Bible College and never had the spiritual awakening I’ve had with your class."
~ Melissa D., USA
"I’m really enjoying the deeper sense of meaning in almost everything! I would recommend this course to anyone"
~ Erica W., USA
"I love that this course makes Wicca so accessible and relatable, and the focus is universal spirituality... a unique learning experience"
~ Lisa S., USA
* See What More Students Have to Say... *
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Goddess Awareness Week 2018 moved our focus forward in time from the prehistoric Goddesses we met in Goddess Awareness Week 2017 to the most ancient recorded Goddesses: the Goddesses of ancient Mesopotamia.
The primary Sumer/Babylonian Goddess — Tiamat — in particular. Two articles on Her are:
I am Tiamat, Dragon-Goddess of the Primordial Cosmos. You may have heard My name, and even some of My story, however distorted it may have been.
Now the time is ripe for the world to hear the full tale, as only I can tell it. . . .
Long, long before the rise of human civilisation as we know it, the Mother was revered (as we saw in Goddess Awareness Week 2017).
We know this to be true, because the most ancient documents ever found tell us about Her. . . .
You'll often hear things like "Ishtar is the same as Astarte," and sometimes you'll hear that they're not the same Goddess at all.
Why is that? What's going on with all these ancient Goddesses? Is there really only a handful of Goddesses, who take different names in different cultures and times? At last, here's the explanation! This article clarifies once and for all why there is so much confusion about the ancient Goddesses. . . .
It helps to understand a bit of the background, so our first article will explain a little about the Ancient Goddess Lands: Mesopotamian Cultures & Religions.
In this article, we'll discover a bit about the "cradle of civilisation" which gives rise to the Goddesses we'll meet this year. And we'll learn why it was the most critical of times/places for humanity, womankind, and the Goddess Herself! . . . .
Spotlighting some of the Wicca Spirituality articles you may not have seen yet!
What is spiritual enlightenment? Enlightenment is both a symbolic and a semi-literal term for the liberation of consciousness.
I know, that doesn't sound much clearer . . . To talk about this liberation, we must first discuss the prison that people ordinarily live within. This prison is so ordinary, we don't even notice it. Like in the movie, The Matrix - we're so involved in living our lives that we don't realize it's all an illusion. Spiritual enlightenment is your path out of this illusion.What does it mean to say that the ground beneath your feet, the air you breathe, and your own body are illusions? How can anything so evidently real not be real? . . .
Continue...It's tricky to frame a definition of enlightenment. It doesn't sit still waiting for a label to be pasted on it. That is to say, enlightenment looks different depending on where you are when you ask the question. All truths are relative. S0, is there an authoritative definition of such as spiritual state? Or is enlightenment different for everyone? And what does enlightenment mean to a Witch? . . .
As you probably know, Spiritual enlightenment is the attainment of Divine Light. Well, Spiritual endarkenment is the experience of the Sacred Dark. While at first glance, endarkenment may seem to be in polar opposition to enlightenment, this is illusion. . . Continue...
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Dear Priestess, People tell me my whole life I'm too sensitive, I'm too emotional. I can read people's emotions just by looking at them. The doctors think I'm bipolar but I think it's deeper than that. I tell myself when I'm angry or frustrated that they are not my emotions, they belong to someone else. Is being an empath real? S.W.
Do you have a question you'd like answered? Email the Priestess and your question could be answered in a future issue.(Note: questions may be edited for brevity or clarity. No real names will be disclosed. For reasons of legality, all questions become the property of
"If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change."~ Siddhartha Buddha
"The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been before."
~ Albert Einstein
"Stop wasting time playing a role or concept. Instead, learn to actualize yourself — your potential."
~ Bruce Lee
"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."
~ Earl Nightingale
"Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground."
~ Theodore Roosevelt
An ongoing issue these days (as explained in previous Silver Chalice Wiccan 'Zines) is the experience of flip-flopping between the Old Paradigm and the New Paradigm. It's almost like being flapjacks, turning over and over in the pan whenever one side gets too hot...
One minute we're thinking and acting out of higher consciousness, responding with love and compassion and peace... and the next minute — without warning! — we're stuck back in ego-mode, reacting with anxiety and anger and despair (or whatever our typical ego-emotions tend to be). 😜 The good news is... It seems we're moving out of that seesaw swing, and becoming more grounded bit by bit in the New Paradigm, as we each do our practices and our inner work. The better good news is... We've done enough work individually by now that the flip-flopping is not just happening on a personal level... but a global one! (Good on us!!
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What to do about being caught in an unpleasant energy field? Click here for tips.
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© erin Dragonsong 2018. All rights reserved worldwide. Reprinting any of this is forbidden unless you obtain my written permission: karma and the law agree on this one. And Copyscape is keeping an eye on these things.