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Silver Chalice Wicca 'Zine #28 * What is an Animal Spirit Guide?
February 02, 2012

Silver Chalice Wicca 'Zine #28

Varieties of Animal Spirit Guides
How To Become A Wiccan

February/March 2012

Editor's Note

Merry Meet! Welcome to the Silver Chalice Wicca 'Zine!

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Well, the Year of the Dragon is upon us! It promises to a year of powerful transformations and breakthroughs... Thank the Divine!! We're really ready for that, as a planet, aren't we.

Some of the most important things you can do this year, for yourself AND for the Earth, are...

  • stay grounded,

  • relax,

  • meditate daily,

  • keep eyes open for the truth,

  • let go lightly, and

  • hold fast to Faith.

It is likely to be a very challenging year, but if most of us can do these things, most of the time, we should all come through it okay. The Earth, and we, are going through so much change, so quickly, that we need to make it a priority to take care of ourselves.

This level of change can be challenging, even though it's fulfilling in the long run. So let's take care of ourselves, and try to avoid overcommitting ourselves.

I must confess I am guilty of that error, myself. I had set a goal for completing the Animal Spirit Guides book, along with the 2 companion books, by the end of January. Alas, it was just not possible to accomplish so much so quickly! (I could have finished one, if I'd held my goal to a reasonable level.) wicca-spirituality-winking_witch

The good news is that the Animal Spirit Guides ebook turns out to be a book AND a course -- there are so many exercises to help you connect with your Animal Spirit Guides that we've had to take most of them and turn them into an online course.

The other good news is ...

A Natural Connection: Discover Your Animal Spirit Guides and How They Can Help You is finally available!! YAY!!!

And I'd like to offer you, my dear reader, a discount.

To get 15 % off your purchase, use this code before Feb 9, 2012: Bridgid.

The Animal Spirit Guide Online Course and the other books (Nature Symbolisms, and Dictionary of Spirit) will follow as soon as possible.

There should be a lot of great information released this year! So stay tuned...

I'm really excited to be bringing this to you in time for this transformational year. The more spiritual work you do this year, the easier time you will have of the massive changes going on, and the less trauma the Earth will have to go through.

Meantime, enjoy this last free preview of A Natural Connection.

See you at the next turn of the wheel.

With Brightest Blessings,

signature; click to write to erin

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Table of Contents

Events & Announcement -- Book Launch!!
A Natural Connection -- Book Preview -- Varieties of Animal Spirit Guides
Ask The Priestess -- How to Become a Wiccan
Fave Quotes -- Taking Action
Word on the Street -- Bringing You Home
Silver Chalice Details

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Events & Announcements

Yes, the book is finally here... In fact, it's a 3-volume set!

And you, as a faithful reader of the Silver Chalice, can take advantage of this special discount...

To get 15 % off your purchase, use this code before Feb 9, 2012: Bridgid.

Totem Animals - Spirit Guides Package Button

There are other books on Animal Spirit Guides, so what sets this one apart?

4 things...

  1. Down-to-earth exercises that develop mental and psychic abilities and enable you to meet your Animal Spirit Guide.

  2. The spiritual perspective.

    A Natural Connection is a seeker's guide. It's not just about Animal Spirits, it's about how Animal Spirits can help you on your spiritual journey... and written by a leader in nature spirituality.

    With a quarter century of experience in spirituality and communicating with nature and animal spirits, Erin Dragonsong is adept at helping people access spiritual levels of consciousness, and weave spirituality into their everyday life.

  3. Designed to lead you step-by-step through the process of opening your mind to perceive Totem Animals, so you can progress gradually and at your own pace.

    A specialist in practical, down-to-Earth practices that unlock your hidden abilities, Erin Dragonsong makes this perhaps-daunting process workable for everyday people.

  4. Provides information you can't get anywhere else, like...
    • What to do with your Animal Spirit Guides once you've found them

    • How to access their guidance, protection, and help in everyday situations

    • What to watch out for when working with Animal Spirit Guides

    • The truth about shapeshifting

Over 150 pages of unique information, insights, tips, and explanations. Simple, practical exercises. Playsheets, rituals and ceremonies to call your Totem Animals to you, and Guided Visualisations...

A Natural Connection is your best resource for Totem Animal discovery.

And you can get this great resource now.

checkmark Click here to find out more.
Totem Animals - Spirit Guides Package Button

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A Natural Connection -- Book Preview

(Please Note:
This material is protected by legal copyright)

How Many Animal Spirit Guides
Can You Have?

Everyone already has Animal Spirit Guides, whether or not we can see them. There is no question. How many you might have is less certain.

Some people say there is a specific number. Everyone has one Animal Spirit Guide, or two major guides, or seven, or nine, or twelve...
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The reason for these differing beliefs is that there are different ways to perceive wholeness, different levels of unity that can be identified. For example, you could say there is one household, or 3 people (who live in the household), or 7 beings (if pets are included), and so on.

The numbers themselves are symbolic, but also represent certain aspects of reality. One represents the wholeness of the person, their deepest unified essence. Two represents the polarity of life, female and male, receptive and active sides of you. Seven represents the seven realms of existence -- you'd have one Animal Spirit Guide for each level of consciousness. Nine represents the nine sacred directions and qualities, having one animal for each direction, including Centre. And so on.

Who is right? Well, as in many things of a spiritual nature, there is no "right" or "wrong." Reality is open to different interpretations, and there are often not clear divisions. Everyone sees different aspects of the truth, just as each blind person who feels an elephant will imagine it in different ways: it is like a wall, it is like a tree, it is like a snake…

My point of view?

It's likely that it's different for different people. Some people may have more Animal Spirit Guides than others, for whatever reason. It doesn't mean it's a good thing or a bad thing, any more than having brown hair or red hair is good or bad. It's just what is, for reasons we will never really know.

Varieties of Animal Spirit Guides

There are also different kinds of Animal Spirit Guides, and that contributes to the confusion.

Before we get to those, I'd like to be completely clear that the point isn't to collect as many Animal Spirit Guides as you can. You will get more benefit out of working with one Animal Spirit Guide in depth, connecting strongly with it, than you will get having a dozen Animal Spirit Guides that you are not fully bonded with.

Start with one! Once that relationship is fully developed, you can begin to explore further. The more you work with them, the more you will have animal spirits coming to you to help you. Or, at least, the more Guides you will notice.

There are two major divisions, and four minor divisions, in the category of Animal Spirit Guides.

Totem Animals

Your Primary Animal Spirit Guide (or Personal Totem) reflects the essence of your soul and is with you for your entire life

Secondary Animal Spirit Guides (also called Totem Animals) reflect certain aspects of you, and stay with you throughout your life

Transitory Guides

Passage Guides assist you through life changes, and then retreat when no longer needed

Animal Messengers are Guides that show up for short-term assistance on a specific issue, or to give you a message pertinent to the moment

Your Primary and Secondary Animal Spirit Guides may also be called your Totem Animals. The Primary is your Personal Totem.

There is, I believe, a slight difference between Animal Spirit Guides and Totem Animals, although these phrases are often used interchangeably, and there is a lot of overlap.

Animal Spirit Guides, as a general term, may come and go depending on need. But there are some animals that are linked with your soul, and these are connected with you for your entire life -- we call these Totems.

Your Totem Animals show you who you are, deep down, and -- more importantly -- who you can be. Even more than Animal Spirit Guides, Totem Animals represent the Essence or Soul of the species, rather than individual members. An Animal Totem is a spirit that, in a way, you share. When Porcupine is your Totem Animal, the Spirit of Porcupine is, in a way, your spirit -- or at least very similar in spirit to you.

When you have a Spider totem, you share the Essence of spider-ness, the gifts and strengths, the weaknesses as well (that is, the potentials hidden in the shadow side). Then you are said to have Spider energy, or medicine, or power.

You will usually have felt particularly drawn to your Totems Animals, especially in childhood. But occasionally they can surprise you. And they have nothing at all to do with how you seem to others (or yourself for that matter). A big, bulky man is just as likely to have Butterfly as a Totem, as Bear. A delicate woman is as likely to have Moose energy as Otter.

It is vitally important to realise that no Totems or Animal Spirit Guides are better or worse, stronger or weaker than another.

Every creature has its own special powers. As said before, any idea that you want a more glamorous animal is simply the ego at work, and this can only keep you from connecting with the power that truly is yours.

What Do You Think So Far?

I'd love to hear from you… Please write and let me know!

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Ask The Priestess

How To Become A Wiccan

Dear Priestess,

Hello! I have been striving to become a Wiccan, but I'm not sure what information I find is true and which of it is not. Do you think you could give me some pointers on how to start my self-training?

B.N. in USA

Dear ,

Hi B.,

As it happens, I am currently writing a course to help you become a Wiccan. It should be available around October 2012. In the meantime, here are some tips for you...

The first and the last thing about being Wiccan is following your heart. Let it lead you!

If there aren't a lot of learning opportunities in your area, then reading thru great websites is a great start. : D

It can be hard to know what's true and what's not, when every kind of thing can get on a webpage... or even a book. Your own gut sense, and then your experience, are the best guides.

  • Are they hyping their site with "no one else knows this" or "I'm gonna be in trouble for telling you this" kind of hooey? You can probably feel when someone's yanking your chain... just click off and go elsewhere.

  • If they try telling you what MUST be done and how, they're either inexperienced, missing the point, or just plain dictatorial.

  • If they are very heavy-handed, pressuring you to do things you're not comfortable with, they are on a power trip and it could be dangerous to get involved.

  • If they ever advocate using or harming another being (physical or non), they're totally off the mark.

Then, try out some of their advice, and see how it works for you...

  • Do you feel good afterward, or not?

  • Do you feel good about yourself after?

  • Did it do what it was supposed to?

  • Did you come away feel empowered or weakened?

These are pretty good guidelines.

You'd probably like specific guidelines on getting started with Wicca. That's what my Wicca course will offer, but if you want to get started right away, I generally recommend going with some books. I would suggest checking out the books in the resources section. I highly recommend everything on that list. Starhawk and Cunningham in particular are exceptional resources for beginners, and Shadow of a Shaman too.

And when it comes down to it, Wicca is not about rites and rituals and dogma... it's about the practices that help you become more aware of the LIFE around you and within you. Start spending whatever time you can in nature, and really becoming aware of it... even if it's just noticing what's growing along the sidewalks you pass, or what time the moon and sun rise and set.

The only other thing i can suggest is to keep reading my website, and my e-zine. wicca-spirituality-winking_witch There are lots of practices in there which will help you develop the skills you need. And you can probably sense that it's good quality information, with only your well-being, and the world's, in mind.

You can also explore the practices in these two sections of my site, especially Wicca practices and Spiritual Practices. And, have you seen the Wicca info and Being A Witch articles?

And of course there's a whole section for beginners in Wicca, which should help if you have more questions.

Have fun on the Path!

With Blessings,


Do you have a question you'd like answered? Email the Priestess and your question could be answered in a future issue.

(Note: questions may be edited for brevity or clarity. No real names will be disclosed. For reasons of legality, all questions become the property of

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Fave Quotes

Every time you don't follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness.

~ Shakti Gawain

You may have the loftiest goals, the highest ideals, the noblest dreams, but remember this, nothing works unless you do.

~ Nido Qubein

If you want to change attitudes, start with a change in behaviour.

~ Katherine Hepburn

The great dividing line between success and failure can be expressed in five words: “I did not have time.”

~ Robert J. Hastings

Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof.

~ Kahlil Gibran

One simple act of kindness is worth a thousand grand intentions.

~ Oscar Wilde

Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.

~ Winnie the Pooh
(A. A. Milne)

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Word on the Street

What People Are Saying About

Just wanted to say thanks for the site. I came across it accidentally on purpose (someone knew where I need to go even if I didn't).

I was immediately struck by the ring of truth that pervades the site -- I sense a lot of you in everything I read here.

Witch I am, though I have managed to evading it for most of my adult life. Thanks for helping bring me home!

-- G.C. in USA

Thanks for writing!! I really appreciate hearing from you! : )

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

© erin dragonsong 2012. All rights reserved worldwide. Reprinting any of this is forbidden unless you obtain my written permission: karma and the law agree on this one. And Copyscape is keeping an eye on these things.

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