FREE Workshop!

6 Things You Need To Know
About Your Life Mission


For help finding and living your

Life Purpose / Life Mission

see the new


Do you feel like you're no longer willing to settle for an unfulfilling, inauthentic life?

Are you asking yourself...

"Is this really what i'm willing to spend
my precious days and hours on? 
Isn't there more to life than this??" 

Has something has changed for you recently... an inner PUSH to live a life that makes a difference, that MEANS something to the world... and to you? 

There IS more to life! And that's your Life Mission!

Your Life Mission is a Call from your soul. A Call to live a life of...

  • Enthusiasm
  • Joy
  • Meaning
  • Fulfilment

— the life you were born and designed for.  It's your destiny!

There is a beautiful Mission you've come here to do -- a gift to the planet that only you can give.

So please join us for this free, one-time-only workshop and step into living your Life Mission now!

Start Living
Your Life Mission!

In this free  1.5-hour workshop, you'll learn the 6 Key Things You Need To Know About Life Mission.

Including the BIGGY...

What to do if you feel scared, uncertain, or unconfident when starting your Life Mission... or even contemplating actually doing it. 

You'll come away with greater clarity about how -- and why! -- to start living your Life Mission.

This is a one-time only event
so don't miss out!

Enroll for free here

Here is #3 of free workshops in the series on Living Your Life Purpose / Life Mission:

  1. 4 Quick Steps to Living Your Life Purpose Now!
  2. The #1 Secret to Discovering Your Life Mission
  3. 6 Key Things You Need To Know About Life Mission

Don't worry if you missed the others...  each workshop stands alone.

Why Your Life Mission Is So Vital Now

If you've been feeling this compulsion to DO something — for the world, or maybe for your own advancement — Mother Earth NEEDS you. 

She's Calling you, personally, to start activating your Life Mission!   Because all Her Champions are needed now, doing what you've been born to do.

There's a critical piece to the puzzle of saving this planet and helping humanity emerge, like a butterfly, into the dawning Spiritual Golden Age.  This is the piece that YOU have to give.

Your search for your Mission is a response to this powerfule Call going out into the world. 

Please join us, for your sake... and for all the Earth!

When & Where

This enlightening, interactive workshop will be held live online.

Saturday July 24th at 11 am (Pacific Time)

( 2 pm EST / 7 pm GMT )
( Check what time this is in your own time-zone )

Join one of the world's leading visionaries and change-makers* to discover your Life Mission now!


Enroll for free here

With Brightest Blessings,

erin Dragonsong

Witch Love Smilie  ©  Wicca Spirituality

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