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Silver Chalice Wicca 'Zine #31 * Allies, Guides, & Familiars and Am I Good Enough to Be a Wiccan August 01, 2012 |
Silver Chalice Wicca 'Zine #31 Allies, Guides, & Familiars
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Thank the Divine that we have another issue! Computer difficulties and life challenges made me wonder, for a while, whether we'd get this one on time!
It seems like everyone's life is like that, these days. Everyone I talk to says that life has been so incredibly hectic that they've barely noticed it's summer.
Such a strange paradox -- in these times when mindfulness is most critical, it's getting harder and harder to keep up with the moment. Maybe 2012 is the post-grad course in mindfulness, and we all got boosted up a couple grades (even if we didn't pass the elementary course!). LOL
And here we are at the Lammas festival -- a celebration of life and summer and ease and good times. Ironic, eh?
Well, let's all take at least some time to enjoy it!
After all, that's part of why we follow a Wheel of the Year in the first place -- to keep bringing us back to where we are, and when, and why. I think of celebrating the Sabbats and Esbats as a Wiccan mindfulness practice. It keeps us connected with the Earth and with ourselves; keeps us in tune with the present season.
So have a great Lammas! And we'll see you at the next turn of the Wheel!
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Table of Contents
Events & AnnouncementsDragonsong on Blog RadioIn case you didn't catch it, you can still listen to Erin's interview on NC Kabbalah Radio -- a wide-ranging, fascinating discussion of...
At the end of the program, Jeff Daugherty said of it, "I'm still kind of in awe!... If that didn't bless you, your blesser is busted!" Check it out! New Wicca SchoolInterested in the upcoming Wicca Beginners Course? As it turns out (and those of you familiar with my work won't be surprised So the only thing I can do is... Start a Wiccan School!
Magick & Mystery Wicca School -- dedicated to guiding Wiccans and Wiccans-In-Training to the deeper mysteries and power of Wicca Spirituality. The courses offer an illuminating and fun blend of esoteric wisdom, Wiccan philosophy, and practical how-to exercises ... much of which can't be found anywhere else. If you're interested, you can sign up on this starter page -- Magick & Mystery Wicca School -- for email updates and to receive discount prices on the courses as they become available. Wicca Course In Progress(Please Note:This material is protected by legal copyright) Allies, Guides, and Familiars, Oh My!
Wiccans don’t imagine humans to be the only sentient beings in the universe, nor the pinnacle of evolution. Wiccans know (or believe, if they haven’t yet experienced it for themselves) that there are…
And we’re all in this together--life, evolution, moving toward God-realisation. So we help each other. Since we don't consider humans to be all-powerful and isolated from the rest of Creation, Wiccans tend to request assistance from other beings. Allies, Guides, and Familiars are all non-human beings upon whom we can call for help. Please Note: there is a vast difference between enlisting support from other friendly entities and “conjuring” (capturing) and forcing beings to obey your will. Specifically the second is dangerous, damaging, and karmically disastrous... and is IN NO WAY compatible with the most fundamental philosophy of Wicca: Harm None. Taking away (or even attempting to override) any being’s free will, even temporarily, is certainly harmful… just as kidnapping, no matter how brief or relatively gentle, is harmful. There’s nothing wrong with having a willing friend lend a hand, though! And since Wiccans tend to develop relationships with other beings (animals, plants, rocks, non-physical beings, etc.) we tend to have friends to call when we need help. I believe there’s another issue here, too: Wiccans often work for the good of the Earth and their own evolution, and it seems that these are goals very much desired by all beings… so other beings are eager to help us, eager to do the Earth a favour with us. As mortal human we have certain powers that even the angels envy, but we also have certain limitations. Non-human Allies can help us accomplish more than we could do alone. Many hands make light work, and two heads are better than one—even when those hands and heads are non-corporeal. This is not necessarily a big dramatic thing. It can be as simple as...
Or it can be a bit more conscious, where you have actual communication and relationships with non-human beings. Animal Spirit Guides are a classic example, or knowing your spiritual Guides or guardian angels and communicating with them. Familiars are the ultimate Wiccan example, and often the thing Wiccans are most intrigued and excited by. So in this lesson, you will discover the differences and similarities between Allies, Guides, and Familiars, and learn how to find them and work with them. Starting with… definitions!
What Are They?There’s a lot of overlap between Allies, Guides, and Familiars. Spiritually speaking, an Ally is any being (animal, plant, spirit, energy, or deity) who helps you and will stand up for your well-being. Allies will take action; they will try to improve your life. They are more involved in world-life and worldly cares than Guides. A Guide is a being (see list above) who makes clear to you what’s going on and what you need to do. Guides are less engaged in matters of material desire, physical comfort, or security (in other words, the ego pursuits) -- they give advice usually aimed at your spiritual development; they are engaged in the welfare of your soul. Guides may communicate through divination. A Familiar is a highly-conscious animal who helps, protects, and guides you in magickal work and generally shares spiritual adventures with you.... ___________________________________ SIDEBAR: Elements and Elementals ___________________________________ Elementals are beings that are strongly associated with, or formed of, one of the four Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, or Water. Some people confuse them with the Elements, but that's like mistaking one snowman for all of Snow. The Elements are more energy than creature; they don't have individualised existence in the way humans and animals do. The Elements may be called upon for help at any time, like deities and angels and other Source-like energies. Elementals are more creature than energy... in some cases they are a personification of the energy of an Element. Working with Elementals is like working with something halfway between a plant Ally and a Familiar -- they have more independent lives than plant or stone Allies, and not as much connection with (or caring about) you as a Familiar would. Be warned: Working with Elementals is not recommended for beginners.
Ask The PriestessAm I Good Enough to Become a Wiccan?Dear Priestess,
My dear K, That sounds like an awful experience! And a very unethical tutor! I can't imagine what might prompt someone to say that, or what consequences he might be talking about. But considering that he would say such a thing, I think he should automatically be discredited as a reliable source -- and I mean that very sincerely. There are a lot of extremely flawed people out there claiming to be Pagan "teachers," and sometimes we're a lot better off to learn from a reliable book or website than with personal attention from the wrong kind of person. Anyway, letting that go and concerning your worries: we all have our weak moments and fears... but that doesn't means that we can't do something, or that we can't improve. The only real consequence you must be willing to accept, to be a Wiccan, is responsibility for your thoughts and emotions as well as your actions. Wicca doesn't have consequences that you must be perfect to deal with, no more than life does. (I'm assuming of course that we're not speaking of some kind of spirit-summoning or demon-controlling or negative-magick kind of Wicca -- because then all bets are off!) Wicca is a way of living and loving the Earth, of finding our power and expressing the beauty of the Divine Within us. How bad can that be? And who in the universe is not fit for that??? We are all pieces of the Divine, and Wicca helps us realise and express that. I swear to you Kaleb, that as long as you are coming from your higher self, your best intentions--or you strive to be-- you are certainly worthy!! Please read through my website: it should help you understand the truh of this, and your potential for the Path. Also, you may wish to know that I will be offering a course in becoming a Wiccan, in the winter of this year, in case you want to learn this way. I wish you all the best in your Wiccan study! With Blessings, Erin <3
Do you have a question you'd like answered? Email the Priestess and your question could be answered in a future issue. Fave QuotesWhat makes something holy or unholy is the purpose the mind ascribes to it. Anything dedicated to love is holy.~ Marianne Williamson Word on the StreetWhat People Are Saying About My husband and I have started practicing over the past year a friend lead us to the path however she got mad when we would ask questions and told us that her way was the only right way of practicing but your site has let us know that asking questions is ok and there are many ways to practice the craft. Thank you. -- S.V. in USA
Thanks for writing!! I appreciate hearing from you! : )
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